Special thanks to those who have contributed to the our Capital Campaign.




Abramson, Raymond
Acme Pest Management, Inc.
Adams, Carl
Adcock, Richard
Akridge, Glen
Allen, Mark
Allen, Paul & Scotta
Alton, Mary
American CWRT of the UK
American Online Giving Foundation
Anderson, Clint
Anderson, Keith
Anderson, Richard
Andrew, Donald & Judith
Andrews, Paul
Arkansas Bicycle Club
Arkansas Humanities Council
Arkansas Lieutenant Governor
Armstrong, Anne
ASU Midsouth
Audirsch, Patricia
Austin, Lynn
Baber, Janie
Bacon's Foreign Car Parts, Inc.
Bailey & Oliver Law Firm
Ballas, Robert
Barton, Keith
Bass, Elizabeth
Beisel, David
Bernard, Carol & Butler
Bicker, Karen
Bigger Insurance Agency
Bigger, David & Dara
Bigger, Wyly
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Boni, Chase
Bradley, Christopher
Bradley, Paula
Brady, Barbara
Brandywine Civil War Round Table
Brick, David and Tracy
Bridges, Kenneth
Brinkley, Lauren
Britt Jr., James
Broadaway Law Firm
Broom, Karl
Broomand, Caroline
Brown, Benjamin
Brown, Bethany
Brown, Jennifer
Brown, Susan
Bryan, Joseph
Burch, Barry
Burt, William
Bush, Kathryn
Bush, Susan & Richard
Byrne Family
Cain, Edward & Patsy
Carrizales, Kirsten
Carter, Verna
Carpenter, Scott & Ann
Carr, Ellen
Catt, Robin
Chapman, Keith & Jill
Chrestman, Keith & Leslie
City of Helena, AR
Cobb, Stuart
Cockrill, Thad
Cody, Deidre A.
Cody, Robert
Collins, Pierce
Collierville, TN Rotary Club
Community Foundation
Compton, Judge Cathleen
Cope, Anne
Crawford, Andrea
Crawford, Franklin
Crock, Craig
Cullen, Phillip & Denise
CWRT of Franklin’s Charge
CWRT of Fredericksburg
CWRT of Milwaukee
CWRT of Nebraska
CWRT of Pasadena
CWRT of Salt Creek
Dale, Jo Anna
Danielson, Paul
Davey, Susan
Davidson, Jeffrey
Davis, George
Davis, Jerry & Jan
Della Rosa, Jana
Dellinger, Keith
Dept. of Arkansas Heritage
Dennis, Adelene
Descendants of Early Settlers of Shelby
& Adjoining Counties
Doaue, Mark
Doyle Insurance Services, Inc.
Doyle, Dentie & Becky
Dreher, Linda
Drexler, Alethea
Dreyfuss, Beth
Dyke, Merritt
Eans, James
Earwood, Dana & Charlotte
East Memphis Rotary Club
Elick, Jeffery
Elkins, Kay & Eddie
Engle, Gary
Erb, Patricia
Farm Credit Mid-South
Fayetteville Rotary Club
Felker, Mark & Kim
Fenter, Dr. Glen
Ferguson, Rep. Deborah
Ferguson, Edgar
Fishburn, Rachel
Fletcher, Sherry Gardner
Fogleman, Adam
Fogleman, Adell A.
Fogleman, Franklin
Fogleman, J Barton
Fogleman, J Barton Jr
Fogleman, John & Ashley McHugh
Fogleman, John A. Jr.
Fogleman, Margaret
Foster, Ronal
Fowler, Wally
Franklin, TN Rotary Club
Franklin’s Charge INC CWRT
Fred, Valerie
Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Fuller, Ron
Fusilier, Bennetta M.
Garrabrant, Melvin or Mary
Garrabrant, Richard & Saundra
Glover, Mary Beth
Gibson, James
Gibson & Keith, P.L.C.
Gill, John
Gomez-Garcia, Melanie
Gosnell School District
Gotten, Dr. Nicholas
Gotten, William
Griffee, John
Griggs, Margaret and Robert
Gruber, Wayne & Rita
Guthrie, David & Mary
Hall, Marcia
Hamilton, Donis
Hamilton, Richard S.
Hart, Tom
Hartfield, Sally
Hartline, David and Hilde
Heath, John and Lisa
Heath, Julia
Heidenreich, Fred
Heitman, Robert
Helms, Allen
Hendricks Law Firm
Herman, Jerry A and Connie
Heyen, Andrea
Hicks, Glenda
Hill, Christopher G.
Hitt Law Firm
Hoffman, Clay
Holt, Heather
Howard, Richard
Hudson, T.W.
Huerkamp, Brock
Hummelstein, Sam
Hunt, Steven
Hunt, Susan
Hunter, Janet
Hurst, Suzanne and Charles
Hyde Family Foundation
Inland Empire Civil War Roundtable
Intres, Louis
Jacobsen, Glenn
James, Patricia
Jesberger, Michael
Johnson, Jo
Johnson, Owen
Johnson, Shawn
Johnston, James
JT Solutions, LLC.
Kay, Barbara
Keen, Kenneth & Gail
Kempton, J. F.
Keohane, Joseph
Kilner, Deborah
Krall, Adam
Kyzar Partnership
LaBras, Robert
Lawler, James & Beverly
Leech, David
Lejman, Michael
Lemmi, Sherrill
Lesshafft, William
Lewis, Tommy & Jill
Little, James
Loeffler, Craig
Lott, Thomas & Sloane
Lundquist, Carol
Lundquist, Karen
Luttrell, Sheri
Lyle, Sherrie
Magevney, Richard
Malcom, Glenda
Malott, Brian
Maners, Robert
Mann, Cheri
Marcum, Karen
Marion Methodist Men
Marshall, Mark
Marshall, Mike
Martin, Russell
Mason-Smith, John
Matheny, Patrick
Matthews, David
Maxwell, Shania
McClure, John & Ruth
McCollum, Barrett
McConnell, Charlotte
McConville, Barbara
McDaniel Law Firm
McDonald, Hugh & Michelle
McLauglin Camp #12, S.U.V.
McLarty, James
McNeely, Ashley
McNeely, Billy & Vesta
McQuarrie, Gary
Melcher, Deanna
Millane, Monica
Monahan, Robert
Morgan, Sharon
Morledge, Christopher
Myers, Ruth
Nachmann, Arnie & Patricia
Nackerman, Michael
Napolitano, Richard
Network for Good
Newhouse, Pam
Nichols, Beverly
Nicks, Milton & Joann
Nighan, Michael
Nixon, Victor & Frances
Nordrum, James & Paula
Ohio Co Public Library
O'Cearuill, Eamon
O'Neal, Kelly & Lisa
Padgett, Hal
Parada, Nicholas
Patton, Alecia
Perkins, Mark
Pfeiffer, Elizabeth
Phelps, John & Dianne
Philipps, Kurt
Pickering, Amy
Pierce, Harl Dan
Pirani, Lynn
Pirani, Mark and Jane
Pitchford, Jeff
Portis, Julanne
Poteet, Charles
Potter, Jerry
Powell, Mike
Prosak, Sandra
Pyle, Hoyte & Ann
Quota Club of West Memphis
Rainey, Patti
Rasco, Terry
Reece, Brian
Regions Bank Foundation
Rhodes Jr., David
Rhodes, David & Donna
Ritchey, Daniel
Roberts, Bobby
Roberts, Paul & Phyllis
Robbins, Dana
Rogers & Coe Attorneys
Rogers, Den
Rogers, Doyle
Rogers, Rex
Ross, Phillip
Rotary Club of Stuttgart
Rutherford, Skip
Saifi, Jenna & Scott
Sample, Kerri
Sappington, Thomas
Saxton, Mary and Clint
Sayle, Julia
Schlaffer, Penny
Schlutz, Karl
Schoettle, Steven
Schneider National Foundation, Inc.
Schneider, N. Douglass
Scholtens, Jerrold
Scruggs, Les & Diane
Scroggs, Erin
Sellers, Brenda
Shea, Neil
Shue, Laura
Simpson, Adam
Singleton, Steve & Becky
Sisson, David
Sloan, Kitty
Sloan, Linda
Smith, Douglas
Smith, Marian
Smith, Veletta
Snyder, Victor
Solomon, David
Sons & Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen
Sorrells, GW
Spieles, Todd
Stalder, Robert
Steiger, Jim
Steinlicht, Daniel
Stephens, John
Stockley, Tommie
Stokes, Margaret
Story, Ben
Stroud, Luke
Stuttgart, AR Rotary Club
Sultana Association
Sumpter, Denny
Sutton, Joy
Sutton, Nick
Tennessee Civil War Preservation Society
Thibault, Nelson
Thomas, Fredick R.
Thomas, Peter
Thompson, Maryann
Thornberry, William
Thorpe, Patricia
Threlfall, James
Tidmore, Johnny
Tiebel, David
Town and Country Garden Club
Turner Planting Co.
Tyrone, James & Mary
UDC Stone Co. Chapter 2711
Vaught, Larry
Wade, Clifford
Wade, Dwight & Jan
Walker, Melody
Walker, Ruth & John
Warren, Judith
Webb, Burke & Meg
Welke, Stacy
Welty, Joy
Whitten, Joyce
Wildwood Antiques, Inc.
Wilkes, Jana
Williams, Kay
Williams, Laura
Williams, Mary and Leven
Willis, Dennis
James L. Wilson
Wilson, Judge Billy Roy
Wilson, Perry
Womack, Tommy & Linda
Wood, Jim
Woodruff-Fontaine House
Wright Family Foundation
Yahn, Betty
Yeager-Piazza, Rebecca
Young, Pam
Ziegenhorn, Bart & Elizabeth Pletz
Zolper, Dennis
The future Sultana Disaster Museum will be funded with a combination of support from the State of Arkansas, private and government grants, corporate gifts and donations from individuals.
The Sultana Historical Preservation Society, a 501(c)3 organization, has established a Capital Campaign goal of $14 million. The campaign funds will cover the cost of renovation and additions to an existing building, development of an outdoor plaza surrounding the facility and an endowment for operating cost of the completed Sultana Disaster Museum.
Contributions to the Capital Campaign are tax deductible and made to the Sultana Historical Preservation Society, Pledges may be made by clicking visiting the Donate page or by mailing payment to:
Sultana Historical Preservation Society
P.O. Box 211
Marion AR 72364